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White - yellow
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Cocoon-white - yellow

Cocoon live Is the structure of natural silk (silk worm), built for use as a shelter and as a protective barrier during it, prepare to enter the stage, pupa, cocoon, due to the? release fiber, protein from the mouth is a long line, continuous and intertwined themselves into shapes which the main components of the cocoon is Fibroin (Fibroin) And Seri Xin (Sericin) Both substances this kind of make cocoons with special properties, such as toughness, flexibility and features to nourish skin

Rearing of silk originated in China about 5,000 years ago, according to the legend of Chinese Empress XI Ling sue (Leizu) he discover, use, silk thread on silk fall in a Cup of tea, make that thread can be pulled out from the cocoon.

In addition, used in industries, silk weaving, then cocoons live has also been applied in the field of beauty products like scrubs and medical research, such as creating a material using wound healing

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  • Cocoon bright yellow


    รังไหมเหลืองสดเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของรังไหมที่มีสีเหลืองสดตามธรรมชาติ ซึ่งมักมาจากหนอนไหมพันธุ์พื้นเมืองที่ผลิตเส้นไหมคุณภาพดี นิยมนำไปใช้ในงานหัตถกรรมต่าง ๆ เช่น การทำผ้าไหม หรือใช้ในอุตสาหกรรมเครื่องสำอางและสปา เนื่องจากมีโปรตีนธรรมชาติที่ช่วยบำรุงผิวพรรณ

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  • Cocoon yellow


    รังไหมสีเหลืองไม่ได้เป็นเพียงวัตถุดิบในการผลิตผ้าไหม แต่ยังเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของความเป็นไทยที่สะท้อนถึงภูมิปัญญาและความงดงามของวัฒนธรรมพื้นบ้านอีกด้วย 😊

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  • Cocoon white


    Cocoon white จึงเป็นวัสดุธรรมชาติที่มีคุณค่าสูงในหลายอุตสาหกรรม และยังเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของการอนุรักษ์วัฒนธรรมไหมไทยที่สำคัญ คุณสนใจรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมในด้านใด เช่น การแปรรูปไหมหรือการนำไปใช้ในผลิตภัณฑ์ต่าง ๆ คะ? 😊

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Why Choose Us

The advantage of the cocoon live

Cocoon live It is a product from you that isn't processed any cocoon, fresh features, and can be utilized in many aspects, such as

  • Used to make a scrub or face mask due to the protein Seri Xin (Sericin) to help maintain skin hydration, reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Use a scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells off, make the skin look brighter

Used in the manufacture of bandages, or material that helps heal wounds because the thread has the property to stimulate tissue regeneration.

Substance Seri Xin from the cocoon can be extracted for use as ingredients in dietary supplements helps in antioxidant and anti-aging

Bring the cocoon craft is a decoration, such as artificial flowers, or jewelry

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Cocoon yellow is?

Cocoon yellow is the cocoon of the silk worm (Silkworm), created by the yellow resulting from the breeding of silk worms or compounds in the silk fiber, which is a hallmark of the breed? some species, such as varieties of Thai (Thai Silkworm) and silk native in Southeast Asia, the main characteristics of the cocoon yellow: the cocoon of yellow, so it is not just a valuable natural material, but also reflect the unique way of life and folk wisdom in the various regions of the world. 😊

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Cocoon white is?

Cocoon white is the structure caused by worms silk (Silk Worm) created to be used as a shelter during the transition between phase a caterpillar to a chrysalis (Pupa) cocoons produced from natural silk fibers (Silk Fiber), which the worms are secreted from the gland? the area of the mouth and roll it into a nest around himself, the main characteristics of the cocoon white: if you have additional questions about the cocoon, or use can report abuse! 😊

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The advantage of the cocoon live

Cocoon live offers many benefits in health and beauty due to the rich natural substance with features that are good for the skin and body as follows: 1. Aesthetic: 2. Health: 3. Use in various products: 4. Other benefits: how to use cocoon live for beauty:

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