Cocoon yellow is?
Cocoon yellow is the cocoon of the silk worm (Silkworm), created by the yellow resulting from the breeding of silk worms or compounds in the silk fiber, which is a hallmark of the breed? some species, such as varieties of Thai (Thai Silkworm) and silk native in Southeast Asia, the main characteristics of the cocoon yellow: the cocoon of yellow, so it is not just a valuable natural material, but also reflect the unique way of life and folk wisdom in the various regions of the world. 😊

Cocoon white is?
Cocoon white is the structure caused by worms silk (Silk Worm) created to be used as a shelter during the transition between phase a caterpillar to a chrysalis (Pupa) cocoons produced from natural silk fibers (Silk Fiber), which the worms are secreted from the gland? the area of the mouth and roll it into a nest around himself, the main characteristics of the cocoon white: if you have additional questions about the cocoon, or use can report abuse! 😊

The advantage of the cocoon live
Cocoon live offers many benefits in health and beauty due to the rich natural substance with features that are good for the skin and body as follows: 1. Aesthetic: 2. Health: 3. Use in various products: 4. Other benefits: how to use cocoon live for beauty: